Our Core Values
The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm developed core values still followed today by our staff. The embodiment of these values ensure the holistic treatment of body and spirit.
Quality of Life
Our belief is that each person is special, a unique being, created by the Almighty as the object of His personal love. Since life is a gift from God, the human person is worthy of respect and dignity in all stages - from conception to death - and entitled to quality in care of the whole person, body, mind, and soul.
Holistic Caring
Our belief is that the concept of total care embraces the physical, social, psychological, spiritual and emotional needs of all resident served, regardless of race, national origin, creed, sex, physical handicap, financial or social status.
Our belief is that each facility should provide the environment and atmosphere of a “Home.” Personal warmth, love and care will reflect and give value and purpose to residents’ time and length of days.

Roman Catholic Doctrine
Our belief is to uphold the values and principles inherent in the teachings of Christ and in the medical and moral directives of the Roman Catholic Church promulgated by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Shared Commitment
Our belief is that quality of operation can be maintained by the combination of religious and lay persons committed to the goals of a Christian community. In providing compassionate care, Carmelite Sisters and all those persons complementing our ministry are accountable to strive for excellence in performance and adherence to professional and regulatory standards.
Social Justice
Our belief is that all who render services within the facility deserve to be treated with respect for their own personal worth and dignity. Those in managerial positions are entrusted with the obligation to provide staff with opportunities for professional and personal achievement and job security through fair compensation and good working conditions based on principles of social justice.

Christian Witness
Our belief is that we sustain each facility as a viable organization within a pluralistic society; fulfilling our social, legislative, and community obligations and insisting as a matter of conscience, that our expressed moral positions and corporate rights to be upheld.
Redemptive Suffering
Our belief is that the healing ministry encourages all to acknowledge sickness, suffering and death as potential occasions of experiencing God. In these moments we strive to offer hope, healing and comfort.
Sanctity of Life
Our belief is that we are committed to witness to the gospel message of Jesus Christ, in that human life is precious and should be preserved whenever possible and that death is the prelude to eternal life.
Pastoral Ministry
Our belief is that we have an opportunity and a responsibility to provide pastoral care for all persons associated with our health care facilities – residents, families and staff. In the spirit of ecumenism, we respect the religious beliefs of those with whom and to whom we minister, however we uphold our philosophy and mission.
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